Sunday, April 19, 2015

School Aid Act

After reading about, and watching the video regarding the requirements of the revised school code, the first potential "pitfall" I see is quality control. It states that the school must provide a course of appropriate instruction and rigor, the the school itself is responsible for quality control. I see this a potential problem, especially with small districts, like charter schools who may not employ a specialist in curriculum, etc. Charter schools are public schools. What happens in a future scenario where a student or parent alleges that an online course did not prepare or teach them the way they expected?

Another potential challenge is concerning the "no-seat waiver" in non-cyber approved schools. There is a maximum of 25% participation. I would think there would need to be a written protocol on how those students are chosen. I understand many districts do have written protocols and policies, however, there are many smaller charter schools that are in non-compliance or do not have written policies.

I especially identified with the following scenario personally:

You're a rural district with only a few hundred students total. A child wants to take courses like calculus, but they cannot feasibly be offered by your high school.

Not calculus specifically, but in math. I have discussed this student before. He understands new math concepts very quickly after only a brief example. I often put him on a laptop and login to his mobymax account and do math so we aren't holding him back. Also, when he gets bored he starts clowning around and he moved much too quickly for the other students in the class.


  1. I see what your saying Karen, I honestly have not experience this myself, but I think if a charter school added this privilege to there system, then they must hire the curriculum specialist staff to take care of these issues, remember that they are public school and they have accreditation and those who watch what they are doing. I am delightful that you challenge this student with extra work in math, but I think if he gets credits for what is he doing extra will be more motivating.

  2. Hi Karen, While teaching sixth grade math, I had a similar experience with a student who was very advanced. He was always bored. I talked with his mom and she explained she was doing high school math with him at home after school. Unfortunately, our district did not have online courses available for him to enroll. I gave him extra assignments, but I could tell he was bored.

  3. I agree quality control is huge, not just did they learn the material- but was it truly them that learned the material. I think the temptation for parents to help their children might be high. I also agree- online options should help challenge students that we might not otherwise be able to challenge in the face to face setting. Lots of possibilities but checks and balances need to happen.
